VIP Flight Service
In the world of business aviation, there can be no room for oversights or slip-ups, even when circumstances change or the unforeseen occurs. That is where TAG flight attendants come into their own; their experience and training ensure that any difficulties or complications are speedily resolved - invariably without the client even knowing. Flexibility and client focus are key qualities possessed by our flight attendants, plus an instinctive attentiveness that ensures a highly personalised, first-class service.
- Follows TAG procedures regarding the safety on board and ensures a 5 star service on board, including the catering, tidiness and stock of products in the aircraft
- Responds to the clients requirements and promotes TAG's reputation and image

- Previous experience as a Flight Attendant in the Business Aviation industry
- High standards in catering preparation, setups and presentation
- Excellent communication/organization skills, detail and solution-oriented